In Memory of





Condolence From: Sue Ross
Condolence: I had the pleasure of meeting Bob during a sailing venture to the BVI's and it is a memory that will not be forgotten. My condolences to his family during this time of remembrance and on behalf of the crew on that trip: Capt'n Steve, Chris & Tim....Bob will be missed & will be a Star Guiding His Fellow Sailors in the future. Sue
Monday November 28, 2011
Condolence From: Tim & Barbara Hunter
Condolence: Dear Winer Family, Please accept our deepest and most sincere sympathy for the passing of Bob Winer. I had sailed with Bob in many beer-can races and two Mackinac races and have many fond memories of Bob and his sailing expertise. He will be missed - He made a difference. Tim & Barbara Hunter
Monday November 28, 2011
Condolence From: Ed Frank
Condolence: Our friendship began more than 62 years ago when we were pledge brothers and later Sammy fraternity brothers at Indiana University. Bob was a caring and loyal friend and he will be missed by all of us. He never failed to attend our class reunions, the most recent just three months ago. It was difficult for him to travel to the dinner, but we knew that he did not want to miss it. My deepest condolences to the family.
Sunday November 27, 2011